Transforming mindsets and behaviours at scale

We capture the causally-linked mindset and behavioural change of our learners; both shortly following our sessions and 3+ months down the line.

Igniting Workplace Transformation

Following our sessions, professionals report the following:



feel more energised to devise and deliver climate and nature solutions at work



feel more motivated about their current role, and compelled to invest more deeply in it



report better alignment and reduced friction in achieving workplace sustainability goals

(we aren't fully in control of this, but we play a part)



feel more able to recognise climate misinformation

(this is a tough one since our work exposes common misconceptions, demonstrating how subtle misinformation can be)



want to learn even more about the climate and nature crisis



feel enabled to educate themselves about climate and nature solutions

Shifting Perspectives to Drive Change

Following our sessions, professionals report the following:



are more confident in talking about the climate and nature crisis



is the average score given by attendees when asked to rate how much their confidence has increased



feel more empowered and ready to make a positive difference



put nature at the centre of their thinking about the global crisis and how we can solve it



believe that natural solutions are more important than technological ones for solving the climate crisis



believe their individual actions can make a positive difference in solving the climate and nature crisis

Real and Tangible Impact

Following our sessions, professionals report the following:



make changes in their life due to the things they’ve learnt



use AimHi Earth's teachings and examples to elicit tangible positive changes in others



of non-vegans change their diet to reduce their intake of animal products

(22% of which gave up meat or animal products entirely)



reduce their purchasing in general, seeking to buy fewer, higher quality things and to repair rather than replace



switch their energy supplier to a green one



move their bank accounts, investments or pensions to more sustainable locations



seek to buy more organic and more diverse foods



resolve to vote for political candidates who treat the climate and ecological crisis as an emergency



reduce their purchasing of plastic



change the way they travel to reduce their emissions

(42% of which commit to giving up flying)



choose to give more support (time or money) to conservation or rewilding campaigns



become more politically active, join or commit more deeply to communities working to combat the global crisis



spend more time imagining a better future and how to build it

Empowering Individuals for


Systemic Change

At AimHi Earth, we’re experts at activating significant behavioural changes, without ever telling anyone what to do.

No one changes something so personal as their diet, for example, unless they’re truly moved by what they’ve learnt. This is why we know that what we’re doing is working.

Individual change and system change are two sides of the same coin. This is why we track causally-linked individual behavioural change: not because we think individual change alone will change the world, but because individual change is a highly reliable indicator of burgeoning system change.

Who better to transform organisations and systems than people who've transformed themselves?

How attendees rate us

Likelihood of recommending AimHi Earth:



Average rating of the clarity of our sessions:

9.1 / 10

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