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The Proof is in the Data Pudding

A statistical summary of AimHi Earth’s impact.

Written by:
Matthew Shribman & Polly Gregson

We started AimHi Earth to empower people to act. We wanted to create a vision of an easily achievable future that’s fairer, healthier and more prosperous for all. We go about this by communicating the science and the solutions through accessible climate training, targeted at everyone from politicians to laypeople and all the lush little lizards in between. 

We love the in-the-moment live teaching sessions themselves, but it’s the long-term effects that really matter. While we put a lot of our own energy into creating and running our Climate Courses, the resultant measurable impact is down to the participants. How do people feel after taking part in our climate training, and what real life changes do they make as a result? How many organisations, companies or governments have committed to lasting, positive change and what will the outcomes be? 

These questions drive and inform our working process, so we are really excited to be able to share with you some key figures, statistics and quotes that can shine some light on the positive progress AimHi Earth has made so far. 

Thank you for being part of the journey - we’re looking forward to including you in the statistics of next year’s review!

In terms of our participation statistics:

We have also trained people in organisations including…

AimHi Earth has trained employees from organisations including Patagonia, Sky, NHS, Waterbear Network, Power to Change, Unilever, Capgemini and Ben & Jerry's

We’re constantly discussing further opportunities to enable regenerative leaders, from European governments through to teachers in the Maldives…

We’ve supported celebrities, sportspeople and influencers with combined followings in the tens of millions.

AimHi Earth works to support Emma Watson, Jessie Mei Li and Gary Lineker

A recent combined effort, involving many influential people, led to us being able to drive a tripling of signatories to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, and a quadrupling of traffic to the Ecocide Law campaign’s website.

Five months later, the Mayor of London's office signed the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Michael Poland, Global Engagement Director @ The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: "It triggered a tidal wave of engagement and support for the campaign!"

We’ve been busy elevating and enabling youth activists around the world. Cultural and linguistic translations of our courses are now running across 5 continents; from Indonesia to Kenya to Peru. Check out our recent press release here.

AimHi Earth is working to elevate youth activists around the world: (top left to bottom right) Inés Yábar, Sam Nizri, Dara Datita Ginting, Anju Kothari, Sydney Steenland, Keunseon Park, Aishwarya Sridhar, Rupa Shree, Melati Wijsen, Lauren McDonald, Tania Daine Lorenz and Khalistra Rabbani Koeswara.

And in terms of how these participants have been approaching life after the course, we are finally starting to understand (and prove!) how much positive impact we’re having. 

One of the biggest challenges organisations like ours face when seeking funding is demonstrating how valuable and crucial our work is to progressing our society, morally, intelligently and equitably...

H. G. Wells, English Writer: "Civilisation is in a race between education and catastrophe. Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstance allow."

So to try and get this information, we have been running detailed surveys after our sessions.

We are now over a year on from our first climate courses (hard to believe!) so we have quite a lot of data.

We now know that, immediately following our sessions, our attendees are more confident, empowered and enabled to build a better future than ever.

But more important still is what we find when we gauge how people’s behaviours have changed 3+ months down the line

AimHi Earth's behavioural change impact data

We know that personal changes alone aren’t enough to create the future we want. We need major, science-led system changes to ensure that the future is fairer, healthier and bursting with life.

If you’ve attended one or more of our courses, you’ll know that we never tell anyone what to do – we don’t make people feel guilty, we’re never preachy, and we don’t try to put words into peoples’ mouths. Instead, we tell compelling stories that make sense to everyone.

That means all resultant behaviour change is organic, so what we’re seeing in our own data is just the tip of the proverbial, re-solidifying iceberg…

AimHi Earth's theory of change

As humans, once we make small changes in our lives, we begin to impact upon larger, systemic structures. Once we live by certain stories, we start telling those stories to others. Once we start to become the future we desire, we bring that future into existence.

Personal changes and system changes are two sides of the same coin. Change inspires change, and we are all part of a growing cascade that is fast approaching a positive societal tipping point. Education, training and understanding will speed this up as fast as we support them to do so.

So thank you so much for reading this; we are proud of everything that these statistics show! Thank you too for being a part of the growing number of people protecting this beautiful living planet for countless generations to come, and thank you for being a part of the vibrant community that keeps supporting AimHi Earth to do more!

Stay curious,

(& Sarah, Bella, Abi, George, Maria, Fred, Sarah, Ronke, Sophie, Paul, David, Ant, Polly and the growing AimHi Earth team)


Three things you can do right now to accelerate our work:

1. Answer this 45 second, three question survey to help to guide us.

2. Recommend our climate training and consultancy to organisations and leaders, by sharing this link or by this downloadable PDF.

3. Please review us on Trustpilot if you haven’t already.